Saturday 21 May 2011




Dear Groom and Bride:

Today, as you can see, Marriage is definitely an institution, see all these people? The friends, the beautiful and the handsome, they all show up for the food, the drinks and the cake! And the relatives, Aha! We all show up just to make sure we are officially related and we are watching you, Groom! Are you feeling the pressure now?

But seriously, the legal scholar of modern time will tell you that Marriage is a 'Social Contract' (does not sound too romantic), I wonder if I put a pen and a blank sheet of paper before you two, what will you write about? Before you react, may I be so bold as to suggest and hope you write the followings (of course I can always quote Bible and some famous writers):

We, traveled far to find ourselves, but in love we find each other. Our Marriage is definitely and romantically about love, so

  1. Love is always thoughtful, but never cynical,

  2. Love is always respectful, but never pretentious,

  3. Love is freedom of self-expression, but never selfish,

  4. Love is not expecting going thru life smoothly and effortlessly, but we will go thru everything by supporting each other in good time and bad,

  5. Love is never too busy to share your love and loving thoughts regardless of the circumstances, happy or sad,

  6. Love is listening, hearing and understanding, love is indeed patience and kindness.

  7. And, in the end, after all, Love is never forgetting the smile on your face, the sparkles in your eyes, when you first met, when you fell in love, when you are young, but love is also holding hands ( “Kang-Chieu” in Taiwanese) with gentle passion, when you walk in the park, when you are old. Simply put it, a Marriage prevails with love just feels right and fulfilling.

This is probably one version you could write about your marriage, but you will always write your own! May your journey together be exciting and be happy, you know what they say, you are good together for hundred years and more, Congratulation!

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